Capacity Building

By listening to the needs of organizations and stakeholders combined with incorporating research about best practices, we can assist you in designing a wide range of educational materials that aim to increase knowledge and skills. As the organization, you can then use these materials to facilitate professional development for your staff or provide new learning opportunities for your clients.

If it is workshops that you require, we are able to design a range of workshops in different content areas. By drawing on a network of specialists, workshops are facilitated by individuals who have expertise in their area of work.

Examples of past workshops related to mental health and well-being conducted in Canada and internationally include:

Promoting Social-Emotional Competence in Early Childhood.

Mental Health in Early Childhood: What Parents and Caregivers Need to Know.

Relational Approaches for Behavioral Change.

Risk and Resiliency in Children and Adolescents: What School Personnel Need to Know.

Seeing Beyond the Surface: The relation between attachment and trauma in children and adolescents.

On Being an Effective Counselor: A Focus on the Therapeutic Relationship.

Examples of evaluation-related workshops include:

Getting to Outcomes

Measuring, monitoring, and reporting on the health, learning, and social development of Canadians.

What Does Evidenced-Based Really Mean?

Program Evaluation for Program Enhancement